Monday, October 26, 2015


Hi.  I have been sitting here staring at a blank screen wondering where to begin.  I can't even come up with a Post title...I'm going to be an awful blogger.

SO for now the title is TBA (Any Arrested Development fans?).

We have big news.  Exciting news! Timmy and I have made the decision to grow our family through adoption.  It is a decision that we've been wrestling with for quite some time.

It's a big decision.  I want to tell you how God has called us to adopt-- how He has led us down this road.  BUT I can't find the words.

How do I describe the years of God working on our hearts?  The certainty that we are meant to do this?

This is the part of the conversation where if we were face to face- I would laugh nervously and say quickly how our hearts have been broken for these children without parents.  Which is true-- BUT that answer is so much less than what God has been doing in our lives.  SO much less.  In person you would naturally be distracted by my rapid arm movements and squeaky voice- and you would not notice that I didn't say much.

 This post is quickly confirming that I talk... alot...but I don't say much.

I don't share the tricky emotions, the genuine condition, of my heart very often.  Sharing our story of adoption is going to be challenging for me.  It's personal. But God is working in awesome ways and I want to share that with you.  I really do.  You'll just have to bear with me.  (Or not, you don't have to read this)

Tomorrow I will tell you about the newest member of our family and our efforts to bring her home! :)


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