Monday, February 22, 2016

Wanted, Chosen, Loved

Before I write this, I wanted to mention, my writing is coming from a person who believes in Jesus.  That person is me.  Ha. There was some very questionable grammar just now- and I am not going back to fix it.

We live in a world where- like it or not- people are valued based on whether other people like them (want them, choose them, love them).  You see it everywhere- and it makes some sense.  I mean who wants to choose to hang out with a jerk- or even a super annoying person.  It makes some sense. (Worldly sense).

This attitude is deceptively destructive and too easily expressed toward- unborn babies, orphans, the disabled, the lower class, the upper class (probably just the opposite of the class you find yourself in...)
And not because they are all jerks, or annoying (although I'm sure sometimes that is the case( to be clear- I still don't think those reasons make it ok not to love someone.  I just wanted you to know- I understand the struggle of loving jerks and annoying people)), but because, for whatever reason, it is inconvenient to value them.  To want them, to choose them, to love them.

And when we choose not to want them, not to choose them, not to love them. We devalue them.  We see them as less than what they are.  Less than eternal. We see them as temporary.  A temporary problem.

As a Christian, my biggest challenge is to love.

My biggest challenge has been-- to want, to choose, to love-- the eternal.

And to let go of the temporary, when it gets in the way of that.

We are bombarded with a worldly view of what love is.  In every show, movie, commercial, song, news cast- we are told what it means to love.  You fall in love, you fall out of love, just love yourself, love is elusive, love is temporary..

But we know what love looks like. It looks like a Savior coming into a world that has turned away from Him.  It looks like Jesus dying on a cross- after being viciously beaten, and ridiculed.  It looks like a Father turning away, and letting that happen, so we can have eternal life with Him.  (Even the really annoying people)

Does it look easy?  Does it look temporary?  Does it look convenient?

No, it looks unimaginably hard.

It looks like a choice.

Our value is found- at the cross.  Where we are- so wanted, so chosen, so loved

People are not temporary.  They are eternal.  They are valuable.

Our value is not determined by anything or anyone, physically present on Earth.

Our value was determined a long time ago- on a cross.

We don't get to determine anyone else's value- that has already been done.

We get to love- because He first loved us- we can love.  

That ridiculously annoying person- we can love them, that child with HIV- we can love them, that homeless man, that bitter acquaintance... we can choose to love them.

It is hard to love.  But it is a privilege to love.  It is a privilege, as Christians, to be a part of God's will.

I recently was added to a closed Facebook group- full of people adopting kids listed on Reece's Rainbow.

I am humbled by the love I see displayed.  Tough love.  Love that chooses the child who is 8 yrs old and has lived their entire life in a crib.  Love that brings home the 3 yr old with such a severe infection- from medical neglect- that the infection will take their life.  Love that knows it will be hard, knows it will be uncomfortable, knows it would be so much easier to see people as a temporary problem...but they look- and see Jesus.

They see themselves, unwanted, unchosen, unlovable- and they see a Savior- who came, and chose, and loved.

We are the hands and feet.

Someday every wrong will be made right. And I cling to that promise.

But here on Earth, right now, we are given the honor- given the privilege- of being the body of Christ.

We all remember those trendy- WWJD bracelets... And no one likes to say it anymore because...well it's just not cool.
But seriously... WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?

I know I could be inconvenienced a lot more often- be made a lot more uncomfortable- let go of a lot more temporary..

And, I could love people a whole lot more than I do.

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