Friday, March 18, 2016

Dossier en route!!

Last weekend we took a trip to Harrisburg to have our dossier sealed (it's like- notarizing the notary lol).  And now... it is on its way to the country we are adopting from! Now we wait for it to be registered in country, and then get some travel dates!!

This week we also had some big fees due- and I have never been so excited to part with $9,000.

When we first seriously considered adoption- one of the biggest things holding us back was the cost.  It is expensive.

But ask me now- how I feel about the cost.

Without a doubt, it is the thing I am the least worried about.  And I am so glad we didn't let that fear stop us from answering the call to adopt.

We are so grateful for all of the support our friends and family have given us, and I thought this would be a good time to give an update on where we are financially.

We have fundraised 9,100.  That is phenomenal and we are SO blessed by the generosity of our community.

This is tricky to write- but I find honesty is always the best way to deal with a touchy subject, like money.

We would like to fundraise 15,000 (so far grants have not come through).  We now have a better idea of how much this adoption will cost- and we expect it to fall within 30- 33 thousand.

The thing with adoption- and international adoption in particular, is there are many variables.  And as much as it is tempting to plan for the cheaper end- it is not wise.

If we do not raise another cent- money will not prevent us from bringing Marla home.  We will, if necessary look into a small loan.  As a parent- what wouldn't you do for your child?

I feel since we are asking for monetary support, we should be completely transparent with our adoption finances. Timmy and I have now officially saved 20,000- and we are absolutely prepared to use it all.

But here comes some tough honesty... the costs don't stop when the adoption is finalized.

We will have to submit post-placement reports (think mini homestudy by a social worker) to Marla's birth country, at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months. The studies along with translation can be costly.

When we arrive home- we do not know exactly what to expect. But very likely, Marla will have immediate and significant medical needs.

We would like to have set aside a small buffer (2-3,000) for her immediate care- once she is home.

We are not, in any way worried about this.  We are fully confident in our ability to properly care for all of our children.  I tell you this- to be completely honest about what Timmy and I talk about.

The great news, if I haven't turned you all off with my bluntness, is we are only 6,000 away from our- I hate to say goal... but goal of 15,000.

This goal could change- it could lower or please no, raise, depending on travel and in country expenses beyond our control.  

The best news is we know who is in control!!  So pray for us!!  We serve a God who listens when we pray.

We are in the very very (I seriously can not stress that word enough) early stages of planning a fundraising event!! ... I figured if I put a lot of explanation marks I could trick you into excitement. Did it work?

Haha I'm kind of kidding- we are hoping to keep it very simple- and something that would be fun enough- you almost forget you're doing us a huge favor by participating.

We are thinking a dance and snack event.  Family friendly.

We can't feed you dinner... because well the point is to raise money. BUT dancing is a lot of fun- and we have a potential free/ or super cheap venue!! And they might not know it yet... but our family is hopefully going to help us make some yummy snacks :).

I think there is potential there- but I am, quite possibly, the worst at planning things.  Friends let me know what you think!!  Please.

Plan is to have the event after our first trip!

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